I run informative and friendly antenatal and postnatal group drop-in sessions, tailored classes, telephone consultations and home visits.

My one to two hour weekly group meetings offer a relaxed, social and interactive approach to antenatal and postnatal learning.
I am a practicing midwife and mother of four, who has delivered over 300 babies. 

My group sessions will bring together local families and those going it alone, in a friendly and social environment. They will arm you with the knowledge and support you need to enjoy your journey into parenthood by delivering an information hour and a social hour. 

One to one sessions and homecare services allow you to have extra support, if you feel you need it, both before and after your baby arrives.

My services are unique. Sessions can be paid for by the hour. There is no requirement to commit to any number of sessions. You can attend the sessions that you feel are relevant to you. You do not have to attend both hours. You can start coming as early into your pregnancy as you wish. You can choose to bring birth partners or come alone and make friends. 


Everyone is welcome.