We are a small, well established group of Independent Midwives committed to offering women kind, supportive, evidenced based continuity of care. Our priority is to ensure that you feel cared for, supported and have peace of mind during this special time in your life.

We are all mothers ourselves and have extensive experience in midwifery. Whatever your needs, take a moment to read some of our stories and testimonials then give us a call.

Our full package of care is detailed below.

We also provide just antenatal, postnatal or one off feeding support




This package is perfect for women planning a hospital or Caesarean birth. We support you right up to the day you go in and are on hand to answer your questions, then start our postnatal visits as soon as you come home.

• Personal care throughout pregnancy and in the postnatal period for 4 weeks, at home, and at times convenient to you. We will provide all your scheduled antenatal appointments at home: a booking appointment, 16 weeks, 20 weeks, 24 weeks, 28 weeks and then fortnightly to 37 followed by weekly visits to birth. The first appointment will be used to take a complete history, and all appointments include blood pressure and urine checks, checking baby's position and listening to baby's heartbeat.

• Personal Birth preparation session  A two hour session in the comfort of your home, for you and your partner. We can discuss and explore options around labour and birth, tips for coping with labour, the birth, positions and self help as well as medical pain relief. What to take in your
hospital bag, the ‘fourth trimester', breastfeeding your newborn, baby behaviour, and how to look after yourself and your baby in the early days. Normally we offer this session at around 35-36 weeks..

• Postnatally, We will visit when you return from hospital with your baby offering frequent visits in the first 4-5 days. Many couples find this period somewhat overwhelming and we aim to help you to feel more at ease, getting off to a good start to avoid problems later. We will continue to visit you at intervals until 4 weeks (11 visits in total) providing you with support to help you feed and care for your new baby and reassurance about what to expect. We check on your own health and recovery as well as the wellbeing of the baby. Generally, there is a big focus on establishing breastfeeding and we are all very skilled in this respect, but we are equally happy to support you with alternative feeding. We carry out the newborn blood spot test on day 5 and monitor the weight of your baby. During this time, we are also available to you by phone for any worries, questions or concerns. .

• NOTE You are encouraged to book with your chosen hospital so that they have your history available when you arrive there in labour. They can also offer you your screening (blood tests and scans) for convenience. However, other than that you do not usually need to attend hospital antenatal appointments.

• This package is ideal for women planning an elective caesarean section or hospital birth, but who want the support and continuity of a known midwife throughout pregnancy and after birth.